Thursday, 17 November 2011

And Here I go!

I'm writing this from a lovely virgin pendolino tilting it's way through Cumbria at high speeds, I've already struggled to get my bag in and out of the car, said bye to my brother and sister in law and causes unimaginable chaos on the train!

Basically my bag is too big to fit down the aisle of the train, a kind gentleman helped my lift it onto the seat next to me and now I'm praying that the train stays fairly quiet! And that the tilting doesn't tip it over and crush me! I'm also hoping my lovely friend (who I am staying with tonight in laaahdan) knows how to put the backseat down on her car!

Despite the fact I'm really looking forward to spending my winter surrounded by snow (fingers crossed) I am still a little sad to be waving goodbye to my friends and family for six months! Still I am working on cunning plans to get various people out to see me, seems a shame not to share the sunshine and snow!

One thing that bothers me more than anything is the journey! I'm rubbish at travelling unless I'm driving, so right now in my head little disasters are playing out like scenes from casualty and one in particular like the end of the Italian job! Even though I know the ferry won't sink and the coach won't fly off the hairpin bends and implode on the bottom of the valley, I still like to stress myself out about it all! However a day of stress is definitely a price im willing to pay!

So for the rest of today i think I will be telling myself happy thoughts about the stunning alps, clear blue skies and fresh snow! And of course missing the delightful grey and grotty British winters!

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